Picture Perfect Families Don’t Exist,
But Healthy Families Can

Restoring and Healing the Heart and Soul of Families

Counseling in Altamonte Springs, FL

Let’s Talk

Not so picture perfect…

Hundreds of likes on Facebook and Instagram affirm and support your beautiful family.

Met your Prince or Princess, had an epic wedding, and then had babies shortly after the second year of marriage.

Everything is picture perfect… only, it’s not.

Happily ever after is more difficult to create than you ever dreamed, and not all families start in that traditional way.

Shattered dreams…

Whether your family is traditional, blended, large or small, in your heart you had hopes and dreams of how your family would play together and grow together.

But, it hasn’t happened that way.

Yelling, screaming, hurt feelings, and disconnection seem to be the norm. It feels like nothing works, and there is non-stop tension.

Family life shouldn’t be this difficult.

Yet, it is.

You and your spouse feel like roommates trying to maintain the routine, rather than lovers and partners.

Parenting is draining and difficult – your children seem out of control. Crying yourself to sleep at night wondering why your stepchildren hate you after all you do for them. Even your ex is driving you crazy.

The hopes of a unified and loving family seem to be slipping away. Feelings of discouragement, anger, and bitterness are taking over.

Happily ever after can exist.

“Go to your room!!!!” Nani screams.

Lilo opens her door and at the top of her lungs screams back before re-slamming the door with hurricane force, “I’m already in my room.”

Nani and Lilo both then proceed to find a pillow and scream into it with immense frustration and anger.

Disney movies are great at capturing the reality of family life, but they all end happily ever after.

In reality, family life can feel messy and chaotic.

Raising and parenting children can be demanding and challenging.

Divorce leaves you feeling like your world is falling apart and that there is no hope. Attempting to blend a family, after a re-marriage, can feel next to impossible.

Reality says family life does not end like a Disney movie, but – with assistance – it can.

Creating your happily ever after…

In therapy, your family can learn to find its happily ever after.

Your marriage can grow to be epic.

Healing from a divorce and creating a new normal is possible. Your blended family can discover ways to get along and care for each other.

Happily ever after can exist, but help is required.

At Abba’s Heart Counseling Center…

We believe that healthy families matter, because healthy families create healthy societies.

We offer relief to families of all different make-ups and sizes who are struggling to create and maintain deep and connected relationships.

Instead of having feelings of immense hurt, pain, and confusion which lead to an environment of yelling, fighting and disagreeing with each other, we will guide you to create a unified family. Through our compassionate teachings and creative solutions, you will discover meaningful ways to communicate and create a unity and love that will leave each member of the family feeling close, cared for, and connected.

We provide each member with different ways to communicate their feelings and help empower them with the ability to speak up for what they want and need. There is no such thing as a picture-perfect family, so we do not judge.

The “dream” family doesn’t just happen.

Families and healthy marriages are built with intention and purpose.

We want to help you create the family of your dreams
and leave a legacy that will last for generations to come.
Call us today to schedule an appointment.

(407) 285-6284