Men’s Counseling

We all have places in our mind where we go…

When we need the world to be safe and quiet.

But when the noise of life starts creeping in, men start to go outside of these “comfy corners” of their mind, and there are certain questions they silently ask themselves…

“Do I have what it takes?”

“Am I good enough?”

“Does anybody really care?”

“Does what I do even matter?”

“Am I respected?”

“Am I a decent lover, husband, or father?”

“Why can’t I get my needs met?”

“Is all I am a paycheck?”

“Is it really too difficult to love me?”

The demands of work. The stress and confusion of trying to meet your spouse’s needs. The feelings of inadequacy to connect with your kids. The pressure to provide not just financially, but emotionally. It can all feel so overwhelming.

You are losing your wife. You are losing your family. You are losing your mind.

Where do men turn when the world feels like too much?

Often men feel that bursts of anger or silent withdrawal are their only options.

From a young age, numerous men are conditioned to not cry or express their emotions. The adage, “Boys don’t cry!” paralyze a man’s ability to grapple with his feelings. You think that the only socially acceptable outlet for your emotions is anger or silently withdrawing.

In order to contend with their pent-up emotions, countless men turn to alcohol, sex, pornography, video games, or sports as their outlets. But often men wake up one day realizing that these “outlets” are now part of the problem.

At some point, men come to the haunting realization that their vices are no longer voiding or hiding the pain they feel deep down. The need to maintain these habits is exhausting, and the longing for something more tugs at their mind and heart. However, many men do not know what “that something more is,” so they dive deeper into the recesses of their mind and perpetuate their habits in order to avoid dealing with this raw, nagging pain.

These habits are time-consuming, addictive, and can create a massive disconnection to the people men love the most. This detachment perpetuates feelings of rejection and not being good enough.

Even if depression and anxiety are your norm, maybe you feel as though you can’t talk about it because you might lose your “man card” or, worse, lose respect. The fear of not being considered “manly” by other men, or worse your wife or children, grips your heart and soul.

Being vulnerable feels dangerous; and the few times that there was an attempt to be open, the door of rejection slammed so hard, you ran back to the security of what you know: your vices, your anger, withdrawal.

You feel alone and overwhelmed. You get angry or withdraw. And the vicious cycle starts all over again.

Asking for directions in life does not make you inadequate or inferior.

Seeking wise counsel does not make you weak. It makes you a man of strength and wisdom. It makes you a courageous warrior who is daring to fight your fear of inadequacy. It makes you a man of excellence.

Your journey of healing begins with telling your story in a confidential and judgment-free zone. From there, you will explore what coping skills you have used.

Together, we will begin to replace your old vices with healthier habits that will allow you to better connect, care for, and deeply love the most important people in your life.

You will explore the emotions and thought patterns that brought you to this point in your life and recognize triggers that begin your vicious, spiraling cycle of coping.

In therapy, you will create an emotional vocabulary that will allow you to communicate your ideas, feelings, and needs. You will be taught that vulnerability is a valuable communication tool, as well as how to speak up for your deepest desires and longings. Boundaries will be explored, as well as discovering skills for managing negative emotions such as anger and rejection.

You have a God-given strength, so use it for good.

Use your strength to better yourself. Use your strength to better your marriage. Use your strength to better your relationship with your children.

Instead of fighting depression and anxiety, fight to be a man of greatness!

You are not alone in this. Call today to start your transformation and training: (407) 285-6284