Gabriel Anderson

I have always loved stories…

When I was two years old I was diagnosed with cancer and spent much of the next three years in the hospital receiving treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. It was during some of those treatments, especially CAT scans, that my father began telling me stories to keep me company and to make the experience fun, instead of scary. Later, my mother began reading stories to me and my siblings in the form of books, like The Hobbit and other literature. Soon I began reading these stories on my own, and eventually I found that I also enjoyed listening to the stories of other people.

Every person has a story, because every person is on a journey through life.

My father was a pastor and growing up in my home I had the opportunity to hear the stories of many people who came to my parents seeking help. I would just sit and listen. I did not get to listen to every story, but I heard enough to grow a love for listening to people, offering them compassion, encouragement, and any advice I had to give.

This is where my journey into counseling began.

I love helping people…

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to please God with my life, to do whatever it is that He wants me to do.

I attended Oral Roberts University for college and graduated with a degree in International Community Development, a discipline focused on understanding the physical and economic needs of a community, developing creative solutions, and mobilizing resources to help the community grow and thrive.

My intention was to use this education for domestic and international Christian missions work.

However, after college I was not sure exactly what I wanted to do, so I returned home for an internship with my father’s church to continue learning, to share what I had already learned, and to figure out what I should do next. It was during this period that God led me to the counseling profession.

I was born for this…

When I started graduate school at The University of Akron, everything just made sense.

I have always enjoyed learning, but nothing came more naturally to me than when I began learning about the human mind and relationships in my Marriage and Family Therapy program

Over the years many friends, family members, and acquaintances have come to talk with me looking for a listening ear and helpful advice. I have always loved being helpful in this way and now I get to do it every day!

Are you ready?

Are you feeling depressed or discouraged and unsure how to climb up out of it?

Are you stressed out, worrying about the bills, worrying about what people think about you, or just worrying about everything in general? Do you feel stuck in a rut in life, but unsure how to get out of it and move forward?

Are you preparing for marriage, or constantly bickering with your spouse, or is your relationship cold and distant? Are your kids constantly bickering, or not listening, or just having a really difficult time?

If your soul is struggling, or your relationships are suffering, come tell me your story. I would love to walk with you through this part of your journey and help you along the way.

Call today to schedule an appointment: (407) 285-6284.