Upcoming Workshops at Abba’s Heart Counseling Center


All events are scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of the month and will be held in the conference room (room 10) at Abba’s Heart Counseling Center



It’s Time For Practical Application…

…these engaging and informative workshops will provide you with useful tools which can be put into place immediately





Touch, Intimacy, and Talk

Come join us for a beautiful evening designed to increase emotional and physical intimacy for couples. Abba’s Heart Counseling Center is collaborating with Ingrid Swailed, licensed massage therapist and owner of IQ for Life. Ingrid will be spending an hour teaching couples the art of gentle and sensual touch, as you learn the basics of how to give your partner a relaxing massage. Couples will be practicing the techniques on each other, so show up in comfortable clothing and be prepared to practice the massage techniques on each other in a group setting. During the second hour, Angie Mabe, licensed mental health counselor and owner of Abba’s Heart Counseling Center, will teach couples common roadblocks to intimacy and how to overcome these roadblocks in order to increase the intimacy in your relationship. Please join us for an evening of Touch, Intimacy, and Talk!

Date: Saturday, January 13th from 5pm-7pm

Cost: $60/couple







Chronic Pain

How can I possibly manage this? Some days I struggle just to get out of bed, but I have no choice. Life will not stop. My responsibilities don’t go away just because I’m not feeling up to the task. If this sounds familiar, you may have also wondered how others have managed. Surely, you say, I can’t be the only one with this struggle. Tanya Bajgier will be sharing some helpful insights into the difficulties of living with chronic pain.

Date: Saturday, February 10th from

Cost: $25/person







Self-Harm Awareness

Do you know someone engaging in self-harm and you are unsure of how to help? Maybe you are confused on the “whats, whys, and hows” and would like to learn more! This workshop is geared toward those living or working with children and teens that self-harm. Join me as we dive into self-harm education, busting myths, and exploring paths we can take to help our loved ones heal and flourish.

Date: Saturday, March 9th from 10am-Noon

Cost: $25/person







Touch, Intimacy, & Talk for Couples

It’s baaaaaack! Just in case you missed the first one, or if you loved it so much you want more! Come join us for a beautiful evening designed to increase emotional and physical intimacy for couples. Abba’s Heart Counseling Center is collaborating with a professional massage therapist to offer a memorable evening for couples that will give you tools and skills to increase your physical and emotional intimacy. The licensed massage therapist will be spending an hour teaching couples the art of gentle and sensual touch, as you learn the basics of how to give your partner a relaxing massage. Couples will be practicing the techniques on each other, so show up in comfortable clothing and be prepared to practice the massage techniques on each other in a group setting. During the second hour, Angie Mabe, licensed mental health counselor and owner of Abba’s Heart Counseling Center, will teach couples common roadblocks to intimacy and how to overcome these roadblocks in order to increase the intimacy in your relationship. Please join us for an evening of Touch, Intimacy, and Talk! 

Date: Saturday, April 13th from 5pm-7pm

Cost: $60/couple (includes light refreshments)







Premarital 4-hr Course

Save your marriage before it starts! Numerous studies indicate that premarital therapy and premarital education can drastically reduce your chances of divorce! You spend months planning your wedding, take a few hours to plan and prepare for an amazing marriage. This course will focus on essential communication skills, conflict resolution skills, managing finances, parenting, and so much more. This will be an interactive workshop and fulfills the Florida court requirements to qualify for the marital license fee reduction. Sign up today to start your marriage on a healthy path!


This event has been canceled for the month.






Sexual Addiction for Men

He thought it was a secret. He started off thinking it was no big deal. But now it’s a very big deal. He’s lost track of how many times he promised himself it would stop. Maybe he’s even starting to feel like there’s no hope. Men, there is always hope. First of all, you are not alone. Secondly, you must realize that shedding light on a dark secret is a very powerful first step to breaking the cycle. It’s time to fight like a man and own your past so you can change your future. This workshop is going to be very interactive, with a hands-on experiential component to reinforce the teaching component. Sign up today to start breaking free from the stronghold of a sexual addiction! This workshop will be taught by Joe and Angie Mabe, owners of Abba’s Heart Counseling Center, INC.


Date: Saturday, June 8th from 8:30am – 12:30pm

Cost: $125 includes refreshments and a copy of “Unwanted” by Jay Stringer

Register Here






Sexual Addiction for Women

You are too embarrassed to tell anyone. After all, isn’t this more of a man’s thing? No one will understand. I can stop at any time. I don’t even understand why I view porn but I can’t stop! I need it to feel more sexual, but I don’t want to need it. If these have been your thoughts, then this workshop is for you. Yes, women struggle with sexual addiction! The sad truth is there aren’t many places or resources where women can go to get help. We are happy to provide a much-needed resource for women who struggle with sexual addiction. This workshop can give you the support you are looking for, a place with others who understand a woman’s unique struggles and perspective. This workshop is going to be very interactive, with a hands-on experiential component to reinforce the teaching component. Sign up today to start breaking free from the stronghold of a sexual addiction! This workshop will be taught by Angie Mabe, LMHC, NCC, FLQS, owner and director of Abba’s Heart Counseling Center, INC. Come anticipating a breakthrough!


Date: Saturday, July 13th (time TDB)

Cost: TBD

Registration Coming Soon






Sexy Dad’s Newborn Baby Care 101

Turn your wife on by learning to properly care for your newborn!! Are you new to fatherhood and unsure how to care for your new baby, your wife, and yourself? If you are like many first-time fathers, you have never held a baby, much less changed a diaper, bathed, or burped one. Are you also concerned about how having a new baby will affect your emotional connection with your wife and your sex life? No worries, we’ve got you!! Join us for an educational evening of fun, laughter, and hands on practice as we teach new fathers basic baby care, new-mommy care, and self-care. We will also discuss how to keep your wife well loved and cared for to help fuel the passion in your marriage. This class will be taught by licensed mental health counselor, Angie Mabe.

Date: Saturday, August 10th (time TBD)

Cost: $40/person (includes materials and light refreshments)

Registration Coming Soon






Affair Recovery Intensive

Broken trust and shattered dreams barely begin to describe the destruction an affair can cause. Life does not feel like it will ever return to normal and be like it was…before. Even if things do get better, they will never be the same. An affair forces changes that neither party was desiring, but it doesn’t mean that the changes are necessarily all bad. There is hope to recover a broken marriage and to recreate it into a better, stronger, and more intimately connected version than what it was before. During this workshop, we will be discussing how to overcome the trauma of an affair, taking proper ownership in marriage, learning to forgive, and so much more! This workshop will be very interactive with a lot of hands-on activities to reinforce the teaching component. This workshop is geared for couple’s who are seeking to heal their marriage, or an individual who is fighting to save their marriage. Both will benefit from this workshop designed to help heal the marital relationship. Angie Mabe, LMHC, NCC, FLQS, owner and director of Abba’s Heart Counseling Center, will be your guide in this full-day course.

Date: Saturday, September 14th from 9am-5pm

Cost: TBD

Registration Coming Soon






Marriage Intensive

Description coming soon.

Date: Saturday, October 12th (time TBD)

Cost: (TBD)

Registration Coming Soon









Description coming soon.

Date: Saturday, November 9th (time TBD)

Cost: (TBD)

Registration Coming Soon








Description coming soon.

Date: Saturday, December 14th (time TBD)

Cost: (TBD)

Registration coming Soon